
The Vision of the Insti­tute is to gen­er­ate and prop­a­gate knowl­edge through a pleas­ant blend­ing of Engi­neer­ing and Tech­nol­ogy. To serve the soci­ety by devel­op­ing a mod­ern tech­nol­ogy in stu­dents’ finely tuned intel­lec­tual, cul­tural, eth­i­cal and humane sen­si­tiv­i­ties, encour­ag­ing a sci­en­tific tem­per and pro­mot­ing pro­fes­sional and tech­no­log­i­cal exper­tise.


  • To achieve qual­ity in Teach­ing and Research
  • To gen­er­ate, prop­a­gate and pre­serve knowledge
  • To enable empow­er­ment through knowl­edge and information
  • Advance­ment of knowl­edge in Engi­neer­ing and Technology
  • Pro­mote learn­ing in free think­ing and inno­v­a­tive environment
  • Cul­ti­vate skills, atti­tudes to pro­mote knowl­edge creation
  • Ren­der­ing col­lec­tively rel­e­vant tech­ni­cal ser­vices for the society
  • To impart new skills of tech­nol­ogy development
  • To pound entre­pre­neur­ial tal­ents and tech­nol­ogy appre­ci­a­tion programmes
  • Tech­nol­ogy trans­fer and incubation

Our Inspiration

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