"We feel so proud to announce that our 45 + students(including 20 girls) got placed in SCCL as MGT(Mining)"

Welcome to University College of Engineering, Kothagudem 

           The Gov­ern­ment of Andhra Pradesh, real­iz­ing the pop­u­lar demand for enhance­ment of facil­i­ties for engi­neer­ing edu­ca­tion, adopted a far reach­ing and pro­gres­sive pol­icy of encour­ag­ing phil­an­thropic orga­ni­za­tions to estab­lish and man­age tech­ni­cal insti­tu­tions with­out strain­ing the already mea­ger finan­cial resources of the state. As a con­se­quence of such a pol­icy deci­sion, Uni­ver­sity Col­lege Of Engineering was estab­lished in the year 1978 as a constituent college of Kakatiya University , which is located at 7 km away from Koth­agu­dem in Bhadradri Koth­agu­dem dis­trict. This Uni­ver­sity College of Engineering had sub­stan­tially improved its infra­struc­tural facil­i­ties, added new B.Tech programmes and attracted aca­d­e­mi­cians of proven com­pe­tence onto its fac­ulty. The alumni of this institute are placed in reputed orga­ni­za­tions all over India and all over the World and gained recog­ni­tion amongst aca­d­e­mic circles..
          The University College of Engineering, Kakatiya University (UCE-KU), (erstwhile Kothagudem School of Mines) has acres 390.21 gts of land. UCE offers B.Tech. programmes in 05 disciplines at UG level.i.e., B.Tech.,(CSE, EEE) in 1996 and B.Tech.,(ECE and INF) in 2011 in addition to existing Mining Engineering. All the Five B.Tech Programmes are approved by the AIl India Council for Technical Education, New Delhi with Institute P-Id:1-494515831.The AISHE Code of University College of Engineering is C-27616.

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Prof.K.Pratap Reddy

Prof.K.Pratap Reddy

Prof. Ramchandram

Prof. Ramchandram

Dr. T. Jaganmohan Raju

Dr. T. Jaganmohan Raju


  1. Time Tables
  2. Notifications
  3. News Bulletin
  4. Covid-19
  5. Online Learning Resources
  6. Conferences
  7. Open Source Softwares
  8. Open Source Journals
  • Students, Staff and Principal Thanks Mr.Bharavi Gade Alumni of UCE (KSM) Olive crypto systems founder and Director for sponsoring an amount of Rupees One lack forty two thousands (1,42,000/-) towards installation of Solar fencing for Girls Hostel

  • Congratulations to R Mahender Kumar (1807 T 2417), S Gopi (1807 T 2422) secure 1st Prize in a Technical Presentation seminar conducted by Indian Institute of Metals Paloncha Chapter on 26th November 2021.

Our Inspiration

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